Hilton Head Island Drug Charges Lawyer - Criminal Defense Attorney
For Hilton Head Island, Bluffton, & Beaufort South Carolina (SC) Area
We represent Hilton Head Island South Carolina Area residents and visitors from other states who have been arrested for possession or possession with intent to distribute any of the following illegal drugs:
- Marijuana
- Cocaine or crack
- Methamphetamine
- Heroin
- Ecstasy, etc.
Our goal in defense is to protect you from the consequences of conviction and punishment. In some cases, our most effective defense will involve challenging the probable cause to stop and search you, the circumstances of a search of your residence, or the legitimacy of a road search.
In other situations, we can challenge the specific charges to allow a plea to a misdemeanor offense in cases originally charged as felonies. This outcome can lead to diversion of your case out of the criminal justice system, a sentence of community service that can be carried out in your home state, or even expungement of the record of your arrest and guilty plea.
Some drug crime cases will involve quantities sufficient to justify referral for federal prosecution. Because of the greater flexibility of the South Carolina system, we do everything possible to help keep your case out of federal court.
At the Kiker Law Firm, we help clients resolve misdemeanor and felony drug charges under SC law. We have more than 13 years experience in criminal work and can protect your interests to the fullest extent of the law.
If you or a loved one has been charged with a drug-related crime, please contact the Kiker Law Firm at (843) 842-7300 for a free consult. Our office is located at 38A on New Orleans Road on Hilton Head Island, SC.